Sunday, May 24, 2009

Same view - Today's Sky

Is this amazing or what? say? It's a Sunday and the sky is amazing. We've had some rain, the flowers love it, so do the birds..............but the dogs are muddy!

Since We are at an altitude of about 8,000 feet I can stand in the same place but shift my camera and have a very different view! These are the San Juan Mountains and we are better than half way up...............loving life in a stormy sky.

We have a new addition to the family! Please say hello to "Rocky Stoneman"! Rocky's guarding the place; he does a good job.

Enjoy the day.

Update and new addition


This is a little late....................time to get the "group doodle" going! Here is step one from me. I will send it on to a friend who will get it back to me; I will post and send it on to another friend........and on and on..................maybe it will come to you!
