Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Isn't it interesting.............................

Have you ever noticed that just when things begin feeling comfortable and you are "going with the flow"; everything seems to be in sync - life is good..............................you're coasting....All of a sudden little things begin to get in the way, you find obstacles in front of you - not of your doing but issues that need to be resolved and if you get flustered they become bigger problems and the mess gets stickier and deeper and the hurdles pile up.....................

That has been my recent life - feeling good about not working full time, having time to do creative things, see friends, pet the dogs, and plant some flowers. So I'm having a blast and life is good and smooth....... that must have been TOO easy for the universe to handle because all of a sudden the stuff hits the fan and I have one problem after another and no one can figure it out......I find specialists and they can............hooray! It turns out that the professionals I have used for years made a mistake which causes lots of problems and much expense! The professional turns to his insurance and they investigate and say that they won't pay - I should have known...............not specialist [the professional] but me, the one who went to school to become a teacher, the one who knows virtually nothing about ... except TO GO TO THE professional for help and listen to what he has to say............While this is going on we are dealing with the many steps to get support to drill for a new well and because it is a public bureaucracy and there are so many steps - it feels as if it will go on for ever....I await news of work to keep an income and the climb continues..........................................

Ok, life happens. The experience was a reminder to me that life IS messy and I have to allow it to happen, especially when I cannot change what is happening. Everyday is practice for tomorrow and the question has to be, what have I learned from this................It is a reminder that there are many things I can't control and when those things happen I have to breathe and allow things to be.................they will be done in their own time....

Then TODAY we signed the last paper........the well guys set drill in place and promise they will find us water! I continue to have work/income and one of my pieces of art got an honorable mention in an art show!

Life is good again!

Allow life to unfold like the petals of a young rose coming to full bloom, sit down and watch the sky change, pet the dog.................smile. Be grateful!